'Hoping you find this video kind of fun. I decided to take you behind the scenes of Surround Sound of Fashion 2019. I was super busy but I got a few clips. The event was a major success. I had so many external distractions this year. It was very hard for me to juggle life AND this show. But it still went on without any \"visible\" hiccups. Highlighted in this Video Surround Sound of Fashion http://www.surroundsoundoffashion.com/ Meechie Hall https://www.instagram.com/jokehustler/ Money Maha https://www.instagram.com/moneymaha/ Lil Ray https://www.instagram.com/lilray_nex2kin/ Kash Doll https://www.instagram.com/kashdoll/ Interior Designs https://www.instagram.com/kyes.the.limit/ Please Subscribe Please Share Thank you for watching! Combination of Non-Commission and Affiliate Links Not Sponsored Do Not Own Music Rights Social Media: Instagram @rocky_isme https://www.instagram.com/rocky_isme/ Twitter @rocky_shell https://twitter.com/Rocky_Shell SnapChat @rockyisme016 Poshmark https://poshmark.com/closet/rockyisme Mercari! https://www.mercari.com/u/710210603 Ebates https://www.ebates.com/r/RACHEL11530?... Other Items: Free Sounds by J$Productions: https://soundcloud.com/ub3r-1 or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFUB... Camera: Panasonic LUMIX G7 https://amzn.to/2ZMlwva Lights: HPUSN https://amzn.to/2UtX6FG Ring Light: Limo Studio https://amzn.to/2zXkVvX #YoGirlRocky #kashdoll'
Tags: fashion , Lifestyle , sexy , style , catwalk , models , fall , fashion show , vlog , natural hair , Music , shein , Fall Fashion , how to style , rap , Concert , how to wear , fashion advice , Sneakers , chicago , fashion vlog , Sneaker , Event Management , Gym shoes , curvy women , runway model , sneakerhead , custom shoes , sneaker heads , bow tie , custom vans , custom sneakers , kash doll , power 92 , yogirlrocky , great smiles , #yogirlrocky , custom gym shoes , lil ray , meechie hall , money maha , how to put on a concertt
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